Are White Socks Better Than Black?

Are you confused about whether white socks are better to wear than black? Well, a lot of people have this question in mind, and it is really important you know the answer because putting on the wrong socks can get you in an embarrassing situation. So, should you go for white socks or black ones?

Both white and black socks are better as both have their own set of advantages. The choice of which one you should put on depends on the occasion.

  1. White socks are better than black socks when it comes to protecting foot health, ease in cleaning, and for those who sweat a lot.
  2. Black socks are better than white when you have to wear a formal dress and black sneakers. Furthermore, they provide extra warmth in winter and also don’t get stained easily.

So, you should have both black and white socks in your closet. Let’s now see the details of when white and black socks are better than each other.

Why Are White Socks Better than Black?

Are White Socks Better Than Black

White socks have lots of advantages over black ones, which is why there is a common misperception that white socks are completely better than black ones.

The time when white socks are better than black are:

To Protect Feet Health

The biggest reason why white socks are better than black is that they protect the feet from different health complications. Let’s have a look at them:

Bacterial and Fungal Infections

When you put on white socks, you are less likely to have bacterial and fungal growth. It is because bacteria and fungi thrive in moisture (or sweat).

Since white socks absorb moisture faster than black socks, these agents won’t grow.

No Skin Irritation

Another reason why white socks are better for feet’ health is that there are no dyes added during their manufacturing.

Dyes are chemicals that are sprayed on the socks to give different designs and colors. After some time, the dyes start to leach, which harms the skin and causes irritations, itching, allergies, etc.

Identifies Bleeding

One more way white socks protect your feet is that they help people identify bleeding.

Let me explain.

Diabetics and older people have too soft feet, which they don’t feel most of the time as well. The main problem with soft skin is that it can get cut or bruised very easily and the blood can pour out.

But since such people can’t feel their feet, they won’t realize that bleeding is occurring.

In this situation, wearing white socks is a must as people can spot the blood spots quickly and put bandages so that no serious problem arises.

Ideal For Those Who Have Sweaty Feet

White socks are best for those who have sweaty or high-volume feet. The reason is that these socks absorb less heat and have a cooling effect. As a result, the feet stay cool, and very little sweat is released.

In comparison, black socks absorb more heat and sunlight. This will make the feet warm up and release more sweat.

Sweating is not ideal at all.

When sweating is more, feet start to stink, which is not ideal in any environment. This will affect both your social and private life as no one likes to sit next to a person whose feet smell.

Luckily, when you wear white socks, the chances of stinky feels are way less. Just make sure you buy those that are anti-odor.

Athletes Prefer White Socks Over Black

Athletes choose to wear white socks over black, and the reasons are simple. Coaches force players to wear white ones to enhance their masculinity. Furthermore, the players practice or play in the Scorching heat, so having white ones only makes sense (health-wise).

The more cool their feet are, the better it is for them to run. And let’s face it- No one has won a championship for their team with sweaty hot feet that are hurting.

Plus, as the feet stay cool, blood flow towards the feet will give the maximum benefits. This will overall help you in staying comfortable and feeling relaxed.

Contrarily, black socks attract more sunlight, which causes perspiration. Since they don’t have excellent moisture absorption properties, the feet start to feel slightly heavier too. Furthermore, this sweat starts to itch.

All of these things are not ideal for any sportsperson.

Tip: Go for such white socks that provide padding. They help the feet absorb shock better than the others.

Easier to clean

White socks are easier to clean than colored ones (especially black). The reason is that they don’t leach any colors from dyes. Just use detergent, and they will become as new as ever.

Black socks, on the other hand, release the black dye color. Furthermore, the color starts to faint the more you wash them. That is why such socks start to look really old even though you bought them a few months ago.

Looks Stylish

The last main factor that makes white socks better than black is how great it looks when you wear casual clothes or dresses.

It is usually hard to look good in casuals, but wearing white socks will definitely help. That’s not it.

The look and elegance goes to the next level when you also wear white sneakers with white socks.

Black socks, on the other hand, do not go well with casual dresses.

So, these are the top six reasons why white socks are better than black ones. You must be thinking, white socks are definitely better than black.

Wait. There’s another side.

Irrespective of all these advantages, there are still some problems with white socks.

Problems with White Socks

White socks have a few problems, which create doubts in people’s minds about whether they should buy them or go for black ones.

The top cons of white socks are:

Get Stained Easily

The biggest problem with white socks is that they get stained easily. Whether there is dust, dirt, blood, or any other thing, the stain spot will be visible.

If you get a spot in public, then it can cause an embarrassing situation. That is why I advise you not to wear them in a park, where you can get all of these stains.

Even if you do get one in your home, then you will still have to wash it, as no one likes to wear dirty socks.

Inappropriate in Professional Settings

White socks don’t pair well with professional attire. It just seems awkward and can leave a bad impression. That is why you won’t see anyone in your office wearing white socks.

In some companies, there is a dress code where it is also specifically mentioned that employees should wear black socks and not white ones.

Even if your company doesn’t have any dress code, I suggest you still not wear white socks at work because they don’t pair well with office shoes (which are usually black).

Moreover, some people also take white socks as a sign that you are too lazy to choose a sock color and have decided to go for white ones. It is certainly not a good thing if the one who thinks like that is your Boss.

So, don’t wear white socks in a professional setting.

Not Good With Jeans Either

White socks also don’t go well with jeans. The reason is that jeans are colorful, and the white sock contrast just doesn’t look great.

But there’s an exception.

If your sneakers are all white, then you can pull off socks of the same color.

That’s all about problems with white socks.

In a nutshell, these are the three factors that you should keep in mind whenever you decide to wear white socks.

Now, it’s time to know when black socks are superior to white.

Why Are Black Socks Better than Whites?

Are White Socks Better Than Black

Black socks are not all bad. They offer a lot of advantages too, which makes them better than white socks on many occasions.

There are four main situations in which black socks should be your priority over white:

Perfect In Formal Environments

The biggest reason why you should choose black socks over white is when you have to wear formal attire.

In formal settings (like an office or a meeting), people usually wear black shoes and plain clothes. These two things do not go well with white socks.

Since the office shoes are black, the only choice left to wear is Black socks (which takes us to situation number two).

When You Have Black Sneakers

White socks and black sneakers are one of the worst combos you can try. They just look weird, as this contrast doesn’t complement each other at all.

The best sock to wear with black sneakers is of the black color!

It is because it enhances elegance and improves style. Plus, you can also wear black socks with jeans too.

They Don’t Get Dirty Quickly

One of the biggest plus points of black socks that make people choose them over white is that they don’t get dirty easily. No matter what you drop on them, they will look exactly the same. Furthermore, if you sweat a lot or the feet start to bleed, then it won’t be visible either.

You can only see a little bit of dust on them if you are not wearing any shoes. If you have shoes on, then this dust will be invisible too.

The rest of the dirty things or spots merge with black color of the socks.

Perfect In Winter Season

If you live in an area where extreme cold or snowfall occurs, then putting on black socks is one of the best decisions you can make. The reason is that these socks provide more warmth than white socks. Plus, if there is any sun, these socks can absorb sunlight, and it will feel like you are wearing a blanket.

All in all, these are the four things that make black socks better than white ones.

But wait. There are problems with black ones too.

Problems With Black Socks

There are two big cons of black socks are

Not Good For Longer Hours

Black socks are not suitable if you have to work or stay outdoors for a longer period. Why? It is because these socks promote more sweating. On top of this, the moisture-sucking capability of black socks is very low.

So, wearing such socks for hours can lead to excessive sweat around the toe, itching, rashes, and stinky feet.

Not Recommended for Diabetics Patients

The advantage of not getting a stain is a disadvantage for diabetic patients. When the patients wear such socks, they won’t know if there is any bleeding or puss burst. This can cause serious medical problems for them.

So, always prefer white socks over black if you have to stay outdoors or if you are an older/diabetic patient.

White vs. Black Socks- A Comparison Table

A comparison table will give you an idea about when white socks are better than black and when the black ones have an edge.


White Socks

Black Socks

Feet Comfort

White Socks do not cause feet to overheat and discourage sweating.

Black socks absorb more sunlight/heat, so the feet get warmed, which leads to more sweat release.


White socks protect the feet from fungal and bacterial infections. They are great for diabetics too, as they help with spotting blood and puss.

Black socks can promote bacterial and fungal infections if you wear them during summer. They are not good for diabetics too because they “hide” blood and puss burst as the spots are not visible.


There are no dyes used in white sock manufacturing.

Dyes are used in the manufacturing of black socks, which can cause skin irritation if you don’t wash them often.


White socks can get stained quickly, and the dust/spots will be visible.

Black socks don’t get stained.


They are not good during the winter but are a perfect thing to wear in the summer.

They are great in winter as they provide more warmth. Not good during the summer.


Goes well with casual outfits only. Furthermore, white socks only look good with white sneakers.

Perfect with formal dress and jeans. They also look great with any sneaker.

So, this is the comparison of white vs. black socks that will help you in making a decision whether the white socks are better for you or if you should go for the black ones.

Putting Everything Together

The bottom line is that both white and black socks are better as both have their own set of advantages. Sometimes, you should wear black ones and other times you should put on white socks.

White socks are better than black ones because they protect feet from germs, prevent skin irritation, help in spotting bleeding, and do not lead the feet to stink because of less sweat release.

In comparison, black socks make it harder to spot bleeding and promote more sweat release around the toes.

However, black socks go well with formal attire, black sneakers and are a perfect thing to have during the cold season.

So, both white and black socks are great to wear!


Hi, My Name is Ahmad; I am very passionate about socks and love wearing them; I will help you with sock-related tips, how-to, and guides for socks colors and fashion sense about socks.

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