How Do Men Wear Socks? (Best Way To Wear Them)

Wondering how men wear socks? If so, then there might be two reasons why. You either want to know how to wear the socks properly, or you are just curious about learning. Well, in either scenario, this guide will be really helpful for you.

Men wear socks by following two steps. First, they decide which socks to wear, and then they carefully put them on their feet. Looks simple, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not, as choosing the right sock is a headache.

But don’t worry; in this guide, I am exploring everything men should do when they wear socks.

How Do Men Wear Socks?

How Do Men Wear Socks?

Men should wear socks by following the two steps only. The first one is a little complicated but the second is the easiest to follow.

Have a look at the details.

Step 1: Choose The Right Sock

Choosing the right sock includes two things- the sock type and on which occasion you are wearing them.

Sock Type

If you buy clothes for a specific event, then why not socks? They are equally important if you want to look stylish. There are lots of socks types launched in the market. Ankle socks are the most popular ones, while long socks also stay in demand.

Statement socks, compression socks, and some other ones are also purchased a lot. You should all have them in your closet as the choice of wearing them depends on the occasion.

The Occasion

If the event is formal, go for the ankle socks (whose colors match your outfit).

If you are an athlete or a gym freak, then go for long socks. Mid Calf socks are good for homes and casual outfits.

If you want to wear jeans, then I suggest you put on any socks other than white ones. The reason is that white socks just don’t look good (unless you have white sneakers).

If the occasion is sporty, then wear the same sock as your uniform.

Step 2: Open the Socks Mouth and Put Them On

After deciding about which sock to wear, pick one up, open its mouth and then put your feet in. That’s it.

That’s how men wear socks.

But wait. There’s much more to it.

Men have to be careful whenever they have to put on socks. Why? I’m now discussing this.

Why Should Men Be Careful While Wearing Socks?

How Do Men Wear Socks?

It is critical for males to be cautious and attentive whenever they have to wear socks. It is because choosing the wrong one can get them into a lot of trouble.

Let me explain in detail.

Feet Health Depends on It

The biggest reason why men should take socks seriously is that their feet’ health depends on them. How?

Well, several factors can affect your foot’s future, which are:

  • There are lots of germs in our surroundings. The two that impact feet the most are bacteria and fungus. However, if you start wearing socks, the chances of contacting them will be minimum.
  • Bacteria and fungi grow in moist environments. Since their feet sweat a lot, it is the perfect place for them to multiply. Therefore, it is critical you make sure your feet stay dry. Fortunately, socks absorb sweat. Thus, the chances of fungal and bacterial growth go way low.
  • The sweat absorption properties also prevent feet from getting stinky.
  • Socks that offer extra padding also support feet muscles and decrease wear & tear.

Social Embarrassment Is One Bad Step Away

If men don’t put on socks, then they can become a victim of social embarrassment. Why? Well, because of stinky feet.

In the summer or on any hot day, feet release a lot of sweat. It piles up around the toes and causes them to smell. If you go to a party or any gathering with smelly feet, embarrassment is inevitable.

However, if you wear anti-odor socks, nothing will happen as such socks will absorb sweat. Moreover, the fragrance is also added to these socks so that they smell good.

Outfit Can Get Ruined Because of the Wrong Socks

The outfit needs to be “awesome” whenever you have to go outside. However, no matter how much expensive suit you buy, it is the socks that can make or break your appearance.

If you choose the wrong sock colors, you will eventually end up looking weird.

So, make sure you own socks in different colors and then decide which one you should wear. It all depends on what kind of occasion you are going to. If you have to play outside on the field, then white socks are the best. Similarly, white socks also look great with casuals.

But if you put on white socks with formal attire, you won’t look good. These socks are not made to be worn in the office or anywhere where you have to be formal. In such situations, colored socks go best.

Also, choosing to wear socks of the same color as the outfit is a great choice too. If your suit is blue in color, then put on blue socks. Similarly, brown socks pair well with brown outfits.

In addition, lighter-darker contrast works with socks and outfits as well. If you are wearing a dark blue suit, then light blue socks will work fine.

I bet you now don’t think that “socks are not so important.” Well, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Socks play a huge role in men’s lives, which is what I am now describing.

Why Are Socks Important For Men?

Socks are, without a doubt, super important for men. That is why every fashion designer never advises people to go sockless.

The reasons why Men should wear socks every day are:

To Get Comfort

One of the best ways a man can get comfort is when he starts wearing socks. It’s no secret that they are a luxury in the winter because they provide warmth like a blanket.

In summer too, these socks also provide comfort in lots of ways. You have already read about how they absorb sweat and do not let their feet stink. But that’s not the only thing socks do. Well, they also enhance the blood flow towards the feet. As a result, you feel relaxed even more.

The socks also help with running as they also support foot muscles. Since the blood flow enhances when you wear socks, the oxygen and nutrients flow also increases. So, the feet get even stronger, which eventually helps in walking and running.

On top of this, socks make sure your shoes or sneakers fit perfectly. It sure is irritating when the shoes are loose and you have to walk a mile, But with socks, feet grip smoothly, and the shoes or sneakers are worn with ease.

Protection From Germs

Men who care about hygiene and overall health should never spend a day without wearing socks. There are always germs roaming on the floor or on the grass you are walking in the park. If you are not wearing socks, there are higher chances your feet will get in contact with them.

This can cause different types of diseases and infections, and the most common one is Athlete’s Foot. In this disease, there are gray scaly spots between the toes that itch and smell.

Long story short, if you want to protect your feet, wear socks!

Provides Padding

Men who have to walk a lot or jog to stay healthy should wear thick socks. It is because they provide extra padding or support that absorbs any sudden shock.

By shock, I mean any unexpected problem. For example, if you are running on a path and stumble on hard rock, it will definitely hurt. But if you have thick socks on, the impact will be a lot less.

Similarly, older men have soft feet, which is why they often face the issue of heel aches. But the thick socks provide comfort and do not let people feel the pain.

Odor Repellent

As mentioned before, one of the best things about socks is that they don’t let the feet stink. Go for those who are Anti-Odor and stop worrying about smelly feet.

Ideal For Sneakers

Men love to wear sneakers. They look cool and make your outfit complete. But you can enhance the elegance if you wear a top-quality pair of socks.

So, these are the top reasons why socks are important for men.

But you should not buy any socks you see. There are some critical factors which men should consider before they decide which one to buy.

Factors to Consider Before You Buy Socks (For Men)

There are lots of factors to consider before purchasing socks.

Sock Material

Sock material is really important if you want to avail all the benefits. Go for such socks that are made with 100% wool, as they are the best. The reason? Well, they absorb moisture quickly. Plus, the drying speed is fast too. When you wash them, they will get dry within a few minutes.

However, wool socks are somewhat expensive.

If you can’t afford wool socks or they are out of stock, then buy synthetic socks. They are not as good as wool ones, but still, you will enjoy wearing them.

I don’t recommend you purchase cotton socks because they don’t absorb moisture quickly. So, the sweat will stay around the toes, and the feet will eventually smell. Furthermore, washing such socks is a headache as they take a long time to dry up.

So, go for wool and synthetic ones only.

Which Season is it

Your sock choice also depends on what season it is. In winter, prefer to buy and wear those that are thick. In summer, thin socks are not a wise choice because they can cause sweat buildup. So, go for thick socks on hot days.

Which Sneakers You Own

Sneakers also impact the choice of socks. Generally, fashion experts suggest people wear socks that have the same color as sneakers. The reason is that they both will complement each other, and you will end up looking amazing.

So, these are the main factors to consider before you get your hands on socks. Wondering What Will Happen If You Are Not Careful With Sock Selection?

Well, three things:

  • Feet Health Will be Damaged.
  • You can Face an Embarrassing Situation (due to smelly feet).
  • You Will Have to Put More Effort In Cleaning.

While we are on this subject, one question people often search is how should a diabetic man wear socks.

Let’s find out.

How Should Diabetic Male Patients Wear Socks?

If you are a male and also a diabetic patient, then socks are a must for you. The reason is that those suffering from diabetes are unable to feel their feet some of the time. Therefore, it gets critical for them to wear socks so that they easily spot any bleeding. Furthermore, socks also provide them comfort from any kind of shock.

But they have to be careful and follow these steps:

  1. First things first, diabetics should only have white socks in their closets. It is because only these socks will help them in detecting if there is any blood loss occurring as the red spots will be visible. They are not visible clearly with colored socks. Also, diabetics should go for wool socks only as they are more comfortable.
  2. After finding a sock, put the arm in it to widen the opening.
  3. Next, carefully start putting the right foot inside. Then, do the same with the left foot. That’s how men’s diabetic patients should wear socks.

The Last Words

In a nutshell, men have to be really careful when it comes to socks, as they can make or ruin your outfit.

First, decide which type of sock you want to wear (ankle, long, thick, statement, etc.). You can make a decision according to what occasion you have to attend. Ankle socks suit formal events, while long socks are sporty.

Similarly, sock color matters too. Go for those that match your outfit or sneakers.

After deciding about which one to wear, open its mouth and simply put your feet in. That’s how men wear socks.


Hi, My Name is Ahmad; I am very passionate about socks and love wearing them; I will help you with sock-related tips, how-to, and guides for socks colors and fashion sense about socks.

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